It's not as if you're planning to make a career out of it anyway - though even if you were that would also be fine. For most people taking nude photos is simply about trying something different; it's about pushing the boundaries and taking the shots that will increase the quality of your portfolio. It's a move to enhance your skills as a photographer, not a move to satisfy some kind of seedy personal desire.
The challenge in the nude is clear to see - to capture the greatest of all of God's creation in the most artistic way possible. It's a chance to forget about the materialism and fickleness of clothing and fashion, and to be judged solely on your capabilities as a photographer.
The cultural sensitivity in America makes it difficult to pursue these noble goals. While some few among us do see the beauty in the nude figure, the art in its careful arrangement and capture, whenever the subject of how to take nude photos is broached - the perception is always that the photographer is doing something dirty or crude.
But now, there's an answer to that problem. Without raising eyebrows or inspiring whispers, you can learn to take nude photos artfully and tastefully from a range of books that are available on the subject...and get real, professional advice from people who know the field and can tell you the techniques and secrets that bring your work from amateur to professional status.
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